Procedure descriptions

Request judgement

You can obtain complete copies of decisions from German courts.

Please note: For data protection reasons, the names of the persons involved have been made unrecognisable.

Responsible department

the court that issued the decision



You are interested in the content of a specific court decision


Would you like to use the decision privately? Check the case law database to see if the decision is available there. The case law database contains all judgements and decisions of Baden-Württemberg courts that are classified as worthy of publication.

Can't find the decision in the database? Or do you want to use it commercially, especially for publication purposes? Request the decision directly from the court that issued it.

You can request the decision in writing (letter or fax), in person or by e-mail. You should provide the following information:

  • Your full address (with telephone and fax number)
  • if known: Reference number of the decision
  • if known: Date of the decision
  • a rough description of what the decision is about

In most cases, you will receive the decision in the same form in which you requested it. Exceptions are older decisions that are not stored on data carriers. You will always receive these in writing by post or fax.



Required documents



  • for a search in the Baden-Württemberg case law database for private use: none
  • for decisions that you request from courts in Baden-Württemberg: EUR 16.00 per decision

Note: Courts outside Baden-Württemberg may charge other fees.


Tip: Decisions of the Federal Court of Justice and the Federal Constitutional Court from recent years are published on the Internet. You can view and print them there free of charge. However, as with any other court, you can also request the decisions in writing, in person or electronically. Legal journals also publish particularly important decisions.

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Justizministerium Baden-Württemberg, 30.09.2024